Tania Nicole: Biography, Early Life, Age, Career and Net Worth

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Tania Nicole

Tania Nicole, whose full name is Tania Nicole Muychavez, is a talented Mexican actress, model, entertainer, and social media personality. She is best known for her roles in the TV series "What Happens to My Family?" (2021), "Golpe de suerte" (2023), and "Pact of Silence" (2023).

Tania Nicole's Profile

Full NameTania Nicole Muychavez
Date of BirthMarch 1, 2012
Age12 years old (as of 2024)
BirthplaceMexico City, Mexico
ProfessionActress, Model, Entertainer
Famous RolesIsabel Vázquez Muñoz ("What Happens to My Family?"), Wendy Pérez Flores ("Golpe de suerte")
EducationMiddle School in Mexico City
Net Worth (2024)$0.2 million

Early Life and Education

Tania was born on March 1, 2012, making her 12 years old as of 2024. She was raised in a well-settled family in Mexico City, Mexico. Tania spent her childhood in Mexico and also spends some professional time in Los Angeles, California.

She started her education at a private primary school in Mexico City and is currently attending middle school in Mexico City, continuing her progressive education.

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Tania Nicole began her acting journey at a young age, with her first appearances in 2020 on the show "Sin miedo a la verdad." These early experiences set the stage for her career, helping her land significant roles in television series and online platforms.

Her breakthrough role was as Isabel Vázquez Muñoz in the romantic comedy-drama series "What Happens to My Family?" produced by Juan Osorio in 2021. She is also known for her role as Wendy Pérez Flores in the series "Golpe de suerte."

In addition to her television roles, Tania is a social media personality, engaging a wide audience with her online presence.

Net Worth

As of 2024, Tania Nicole’s net worth is estimated to be $0.2 million. She has accumulated her wealth through acting in various screen projects and television series. She also earns from sponsorship deals, modeling, stage performances, and collaborative content releases.

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