Crispdal: Biography, Early Life, Age, Career, and Net Worth

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Chinye Elijah, better known as Crispdal, is a Nigerian TikToker, dancer, and internet personality. He has become famous for his dance videos that feature both performances and tutorials.

Full Name Chinye Elijah
Nickname Crispdal
Date of Birth November 18, 1996
Age 27 years old
Hometown Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria
Nationality Nigerian
Religion Christian
Education Graduate
Career Start 2020
TikTok Followers Over 10 million
Relationship Status In a relationship with Purple Speedy
Net Worth (2024) $500,000 USD

Early Life and Education

Born on November 18, 1996, Crispdal is 27 years old as of 2024. He grew up in a well-settled family in Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria. A proud Nigerian, he follows the Christian faith. 

Crispdal completed his early education at a local high school in Cross River State and later graduated from a local university in Nigeria.

See Also

Personal Life

Crispdal is unmarried but is currently in a relationship with Purple Speedy, another popular social media personality.


Crispdal's journey began in 2020 when he posted his first video on TikTok on December 20, 2020. Known for his impressive dance skills and engaging TikTok challenges, Crispdal quickly gained popularity. His videos have amassed thousands of views, and he now boasts over 10 million followers on TikTok, making him one of Nigeria’s top dancers.

Apart from TikTok, Crispdal is also active on other social media platforms. His captivating dance videos have helped him garner 1 million followers on Instagram.

Net Worth

As of 2024, Crispdal's net worth is estimated to be around $500,000 USD.

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