Larray: Biography, Early Life, Age, Career, and Net Worth

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Larri Merritt, better known as Larray, is an American YouTuber, content creator, and internet personality. He is famous for his comedic videos on his YouTube channel and was a member of the collaborative TikTok group known as The Hype House.

Larray Profile 

Full Name Larri Merritt
Nickname Larray
Date of Birth July 22, 1998
Age 26 years old
Nationality American
Religion Christian
Education Alta Loma High School
Career YouTuber, content creator, internet personality
Net Worth (2024) $2 million USD

Early Life and Education

Larray was born on July 22, 1998, making him 26 years old as of 2024. He grew up in a well-settled family in California, United States. He is an American by nationality and a Christian by faith.

Larray graduated from Alta Loma High School in Rancho Cucamonga, California.

See Also


Larray began his career at a young age. He first gained prominence on the Vine platform before it was discontinued. In 2015, he started posting videos on his self-titled YouTube channel. His first video, "HOWTO: COOK A BOMB MEAL. *COOKING WITH LARRAY*", received thousands of views. His second video, "MY NIGHT ROUTINE!", posted in June 2015, got over 1.4 million views. His YouTube channel has amassed over 9 million subscribers.

He was also a member of the popular TikTok collective, The Hype House. Larray continues to entertain his fans by posting various comedic videos, occasionally involving video games.

Net Worth

As of 2024, Larray's net worth is estimated to be $2 million USD.

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