Nisha Lamba: Biography, Early Life, Age, Career, and Net Worth

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Nisha Lamba

Nisha Lamba is an Indian makeup artist, entrepreneur, and internet personality renowned for her exceptional skills in makeup and beauty salon management.

Nisha Lambha Profile

Name Nisha Lamba
Birth Date October 14, 1987
Age (as of 2024) 37 Years
Nationality Indian
Religion Hinduism
Parents Mr. Kewal Lamba, Mrs. Lamba
Sibling Brother: Karanbir
Marital Status Married
Spouse Dev Kumar
Children Daughter: Devansi
Profession Makeup Artist, Entrepreneur
Notable Achievements Popular beauty salon, Social media influence
Net Worth (2024) $1 million USD

Early Life and Education

Born on October 14, 1987, Nisha Lamba is 37 years old as of 2024. She was raised in a middle-class family in Delhi, India. Nisha holds Indian nationality and practices Hinduism. She completed her early education at a local high school in her hometown.

Family and Personal Life

Nisha's parents are Mr. Kewal Lamba and Mrs. Lamba. She has a brother named Karanbir. 

See Also

Nisha is married to Dev Kumar, and they have two children together. Her daughter’s name is Devansi.


Nisha Lamba started her career by founding her own beauty salon in her hometown, using her personal savings to build her brand. Her salon gained and recognition, especially among Bollywood actresses who preferred her beauty care services. 

To further expand her reach, Nisha actively promotes her work through Instagram reels and YouTube videos. Her Instagram page and YouTube channel, both named "Nisha Lambha," have garnered a significant following. She shares informative content on makeup techniques, beauty care, and hair treatments, which has helped her gain public recognition.

Net Worth

As of 2024, Nisha Lamba's net worth is estimated to be $1 million USD.

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