Purple Speedy: Biography, Early Life, Age, Career and Net Worth

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Purple Speedy

Peace Pever Anpee, popularly known as Purple Speedy, is a celebrated Nigerian TikTok star, dancer, content creator, and brand influencer.

Purple Speedy Profile

Full NamePeace Pever Anpee
NicknamePurple Speedy
Date of BirthDecember 10, 1998
Age25 years old (as of 2024)
HometownBenue State, Nigeria
ParentsMr. Terhile Pever Anpee, Mrs. Ishughun Pever
SiblingsGlory Pever (Sister), Faith Pever (Sister)
EducationNasarawa State University, Keffi
DegreeGuidance and Counseling
CareerTikTok star, dancer, content creator, influencer
BoyfriendElijah Chinye (Crispdal)
Net Worth (2024)$500,000

Early Life and Education

Born on December 10, 1998, she is 25 years old as of 2024. Hailing from Benue State, Nigeria, Purple Speedy proudly identifies as a member of the Tiv tribe and follows the Christian faith.

Her educational journey began in Gboko, where she completed her elementary school years. She then attended WM Bristow Secondary School in Gboko for her high school education. In 2024, she graduated from Nasarawa State University in Keffi, with a degree in Guidance and Counseling.

See Also

Family and Personal Life

Purple Speedy's parents, Mr. Terhile Pever Anpee and Mrs. Ishughun Pever, are devout Christians. She is the third child in her family, having two sisters named Glory Pever and Faith Pever.

The TikTok dancer is currently in a relationship with Elijah Chinye, widely recognized as Crispdal. The couple met on TikTok and started dating in January 2021. They often post pranks, vlogs, and reaction videos on their respective accounts.


Purple Speedy's journey as a TikTok dancer and content creator was not without challenges. Her first TikTok video received little attention and likes, prompting her to take a break. However, in January 2021, she made a triumphant comeback.

During this time, she met itz_fynext, her coach and fellow TikTok creator, who also studies at the same university. Their collaboration resulted in captivating dance videos and a blossoming romantic relationship. As their popularity grew, they ventured beyond their school grounds, filming in various locations. By the end of 2021, Purple Speedy's TikTok following surpassed 200,000. Fast forward to 2024, her fan base has grown to over 11 million followers on TikTok, solidifying her position as a prominent media influencer in Nigeria.

Net Worth

As of 2024, Purple Speedy's net worth is estimated to be $500,000. This figure stands as a testament to her incredible success as a digital content creator and influencer.

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